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CARPE DIEM - Life in a Moment || Surrealism
2 months ago

Ank Bakshi


Title: Carpe Diem - Life in a moment Genre: Surrealism Inspired By: American Beauty ANKMOVINGARTS INSTAGRAM: AnkMovingArts Premium Store: Background Monologue: I still remember, I was reading a book, when it all happened. One moment, the entire world was so colorful, next it goes blank, right in front of my eyes. But, just before that, something happened, my whole life came to me, just to say Goodbye. Tbh, I dived in an ocean of memories in that one tiny moment.. Perhaps, the first glimpse was my mother’s hands. That went too old, long before its time. Or The last tattoo, I got.. Which didn’t feel to hurt at all. Or was it.. My first crush, whom, I used to secretly stare at.. It could be my last soccer match too. Oh, I played sooo Pathetically.. My first ever, brand new camera Or wait.. Was it Monica Bellucci from Malena, I had a serious crush on her.. My brother.. My asshole brother.. The love of my life.. My best friend.. The thing is, I could be pretty pissed off, about the fact, that it wasn’t my time at all. But, I’ve learned that, life’s just too short to be mad all the time, it’s not worth it. I had to remind myself, that life exists in moments but with each passing moment, you have to let it go, you got to move on. So, in the end, all I can say is, My life was a beautiful endeavour, as it lasted and I’m so grateful for each & every moment of it. All I have towards it now is.. “Eternal Gratitude” Carpe Diem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music License: Horizons by Scott Buckley | Music promoted by Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

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