How Plannin works.
Do away with anonymous, faceless reviews and discover personalized recommendations to book stays, experiences, and restaurants.
Unlock exclusive member deals on worldwide stays.
When you sign up for a free account you get access to exclusive deals of 10% off or more.
Get travel destinations tailored for you.
By following travalers you trust and relate to, Plannin offers personalized travel suggestions tailored to your preferences, simplifying your booking experience amidst the endless options. Our trusted community of travelers lives to share their personal experiences. By following the people who share your tastes and interests for travel, you can get a real sense of what awaits.
Book your trip.
Search for where you want to go, put in your dates and number of guests, and use our trip style feature to categorize stays, experiences and restaurants to match your style, whether it's luxury, adventure or a romantic weekend away.
Look for the Plannin mark of approval.
This symbol will help you find stays recommended by our community.
Enjoy industry leading discounts on stays worldwide.
You'll only see these discounts when you're signed in to your account. Don't miss out and create an account today, it's free.
Sign up for freeFAQ's
Is it free to sign up?
Yes, it’s free to become a member. All you have to do is provide your name and email and you’re ready to start traveling!
What are the discounts?
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll unlock exclusive member discounts of 10% or more on worldwide stays.
How does Plannin have access to these discounts?
Because our deals are only available to members (once you’ve signed up) we’re able to offer the deepest discounts available on hotels around the world.
How is Plannin’s community chosen?
Our community is carefully selected through an approval process. We look for people who create authentic, trustworthy, and reliable travel content to provide you with honest recommendations you can trust.