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Ank Bakshi

4 months ago

Bruce Lee once said “Knowing is not Enough, We must Apply. Willing is not Enough, We must Do..” I see everywhere, people with such extensive desires and high expectations, ambitions and all from life. But in reality they’re just simply opposite. Awaiting for magic to happen, perfect timing, nourished talent, or living in the delusional future. Mostly artists I know, who are thinking & thinking and end up overthinking then consumed by their thoughts. Actions are missing in the process to produce any outcome. Life’s already complicated and art is a next level complex process, if you let it be. I tell everyone who cares to listen. If you really like something then embrace it first yourself. Forget about good art-bad artist, brands, money, fame, all that bullshit. Don’t ask yourself all the time if you’re good at it or not. Good artists are super boring, be genuinely profound. I don’t see art as professional or amateur, beautiful or awful, successful or failed attempt. The only way I see it when I feel it and if it’s profound then it must make you feel something. Art is not just an expression, it’s our way to find our existence somehow. Jim Morrison mentioned in notes on vision. It’s wrong to assume that art needs the spectator in order to be. The film runs on without any eyes. The spectator cannot exist without it. It insures his own existence. Personally, those who talk too much about art and spirituality. How colorful the life is & how perfectly blissful I’m experiencing myself bla bla bla.. I call them Pseudo Artists. Artists without an air of loneliness & existential crisis are just boring. Painting, drawing, poetry, writing aren’t just a mere hobby or a way to earn living for them. This is how they survive through this life, this is all they got to hold on too.

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