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Ank Bakshi

4 months ago

This Generation: "The Ticktockers & Disneylanders" We are the happiest generation on social media with thousands of photos. Hundreads & hundreads of friends, millions & millions of strangers viewing our life through the windows of their smartphone and judging us, then themselves. We have created a generation of the most consumed content in the history. Constant comparison, worshiping idols, never ending desires and extremely short span of concentration are the byproducts. I call it the generation of "The Ticktockers & Disneylanders". In Charles Bukowski's words, we are the masses elevating fools into rich heroes. The paradox of life is we live for nothing and die from everything. Anyone who doesn't support our ideas should be considered as our enemies. Those who do support are natual alliances without conditions. One of the fundamental reasons, I like these misfits, outcasts, back-benchers. Those who have been told you don't belong to the masses is because they really don't belong there. The misfits have the real soul. They don't live to please, they live for the experience. They take the mankind to the next stage. Misfits are dangerous too cause they know they don't need anyone's help or company to go through this life. They are enough!! Today, when I'm asked to give my opinion on a serious topic. I always give a choice, wheather you'd like a general opinion or an honest one. So, amongst a few of my honest opinions. One of them is, I never wasted such an insane amount of time along with the money as visiting the famous Disneyland. Perhaps, good for kids amuzement, Disney movie lovers but for me highly overrated and pricey. I'd choose to watch Disney movies at home over visiting a matchbox size Disneyland in HK.

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