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*NEW* RIO Las Vegas My 3 night stay! Remodeled refurbished suites. Full resort tour!

6 months ago

*NEW* RIO Las Vegas My 3 night stay! Remodeled refurbished suites. Full resort tour!

*NEW* RIO Las Vegas My 3 night stay! Remodeled refurbished suites. Full resort tour!

6 months ago

*NEW* RIO Las Vegas My 3 night stay! Remodeled refurbished suites. Full resort tour! My channel about Resorts, Casinos and Timeshare! 🌴🎰 Kelli’s lawn care channel! 🚜🍁 My channel about Connecticut! 🍕🍷🎰 Our driving tour channel! Our daughter Star’s YouTube channel about her life in Orlando 🎢 Our daughter Skye’s hand carved jewelry YouTube channel 💍 My videos made for relaxing 🌴🦋🍁🌺 Sign up for a Caesar’s rewards card here! Earn comp rooms! For discount Vegas show tickets and rooms please use my link ❤️ Travel like I do! Please use my link So I can travel more and make more videos! ❤️ Earn 3 Free Night Awards with the Marriott Bonvoy Boundless® or 30,000 Bonus Points with the Marriott Bonvoy Bold® or 85,000 Bonus Points with the Marriott Bonvoy Bountiful™ Credit Card. Shoes I wear and recommend on my million mile Casino days! Amazon Travel ideas Instacart JGROBALLI1F9 Las vegas rio full resort tour 2024 rio las vegas remodeled room RIO las vegas Rio Las Vegas refurbished suite Rio Las vegas pool and suite las vegas hotel rio las vegas las vegas RIO las vegas 1 bedroom suite Ipanema tower RIO las vegas traveling with jennifer sparks savoy Las vegas tour guide RIO las vegas review Rio paradise Nevada Rio Indian buffet Rio food court Rio rooms

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