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10 months ago

That’s a wrap on Seaside Nationals for @spotlightdancecup 🧡 I absolutely loved every second of this week! To the amazing, kind dancers to a staff that I absolutely adore! Grateful for another amazing year with spotlight and working with the most incredible human beings 🥹🥰🤩 grateful to judge with @andrijd @danielle_betscher @tinytanyak @moveyoutoinspire and to work with amazing people like @sarah___eliza13 @margauxxleffas @danperess2012 @rachel_lipuma14 among so many others!! Tanya and Danielle even absolutely killed it in my class!

10 months ago

That’s a wrap on Seaside Nationals for @spotlightdancecup 🧡 I absolutely loved every second of this week! To the amazing, kind dancers to a staff that I absolutely adore! Grateful for another amazing year with spotlight and working with the most incredible human beings 🥹🥰🤩 grateful to judge with @andrijd @danielle_betscher @tinytanyak @moveyoutoinspire and to work with amazing people like @sarah___eliza13 @margauxxleffas @danperess2012 @rachel_lipuma14 among so many others!! Tanya and Danielle even absolutely killed it in my class!

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