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10 months ago

One year ago today 🥹🫶 best day of my life. I love you so much @kodykastel thanks for being my best friend and making everyday full of love, adventures, and laughter. - - Kody is so incredibly thoughtful and proposed to me over his bday weekend at the Albuquerque hot air balloon festival. It was the most amazing thing I’ve witnessed and adding slow dancing with Kody as the balloons ascended and him proposing while he was able to capture these stunning photographs on his camera on a tripod was truly incredible ✨🧡

10 months ago

One year ago today 🥹🫶 best day of my life. I love you so much @kodykastel thanks for being my best friend and making everyday full of love, adventures, and laughter. - - Kody is so incredibly thoughtful and proposed to me over his bday weekend at the Albuquerque hot air balloon festival. It was the most amazing thing I’ve witnessed and adding slow dancing with Kody as the balloons ascended and him proposing while he was able to capture these stunning photographs on his camera on a tripod was truly incredible ✨🧡

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