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Most Affordable Solo Travel in Japan! (Sendai)

8 months ago

Most Affordable Solo Travel in Japan! (Sendai)

Most Affordable Solo Travel in Japan! (Sendai)

8 months ago

Hi, I'm a solo female traveler who has visited 189 countries so far. This is my second new channel dedicated to my world journey, after running my first channel to 4 million views @TheKrazyKoala Japan is NOT expensive. Find out how to travel Japan on a budget in the first part of Japan travel guide series and discover where you can find the great eats, free attractions and save on transportation. But still keep luxury lifestyle. Not gonna lie. Making your trip to Japan as cheap as possible comes down to self-control. There's SO much to do and eat that you'll find yourself constantly spending money without even realizing. If you have the willpower to resist snacks, fun touristy things (*ahem* animal cafes); and stay in hostels, capsules or with host families, you can reduce your Japan trip cost and make it a decently cheap vacay. #CheapJapan #JapanTravelTips #IsJapanExpensive Here I want to share my top / best solo travel tips on how to finance my travel as a solo female around the world. Some other videos that help you on building finances to pay for travel and financial independence: you can also refer to my 1st channel on a few financail videos. 1) how to pay off $300k loans: 2) how to make more money: my career: My financial coaching: but mainly i have very good financial management thanks to my career and good financial acumen. i offer career and financial coaching on my business to help others to reach the same. Join my career and financial coaching: ============================ To join my monthly live video chat, please join my Patreon page: __________________________________________ **Find me here: 🌟 Podcast: @The Krazy Koala. 🌟 Instagram: @theKrazyKoalaAC. 🌟 KK Success (School counseling, career & life coaching): 🌟My book on Amazon: **Music: **My filming equipment: My main camera: Vlog camera: Drone: SD card: Micro SD card: Camera brown leather protector case: Desktop microphone: Portable Lav microphone:

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