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13 Things to Do in KYOTO JAPAN (Pt 4) ⛩🏮🇯🇵
8 days ago

Noah Boudrie


Kyoto is the city that keeps on giving! Having covered 9 amazing things to do so far, let's finish the list with the last 4 ⬇️ #10) Stay in a ryokan - a ryokan is essentially a traditional Japanese hotel. Being that Kyoto is the part of Japan most associated with the traditional culture, there's no better place to stay in a ryokan than here. If you're a budget traveler like myself, I recommend the "Gion Ryokan Q-Beh" - it was a only about $42 per night and we had a private room with a tatami mat floor and a futon to sleep on. What an experience! #11) Nishiki Market - how could we not mention anything about Japanese food until now? This is the most famous market In Kyoto and it is over 400 years old. It also has a roof overhead and it is semi-indoor, making it a great rainy day activity. #12) Pontocho Alley - if you love traditional narrow streets in Japan lined with lanterns, old wooden buildings, and atmosphere in abundance, then add this place to your list! It's especially beautiful at night and has many restaurants and bars to check out if you are brave enough to wander into one! #13 Kinkakuji Temple - we are ending this list with one of the most iconic places in all of Japan, the golden pavilion Kinkakuji! Although it is spectacular visually, the ambiance is hampered a bit by the ever present flocks of tourists here. It's also located a bit away from the other main areas of Kyoto, so getting here is a bit inconvenient. It's still worth it to say you went and see a beautiful golden temple!

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