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Where to stay nearby:
I stayed at Rydal Hall Campsite
My recommended route to explore the Rydal Caves.
Start -> White Moss Car Park.
White Moss, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 9SE

It can be a very busy car park so alternatively you can park at the Rydal Water Car Park: Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 9SE (Opposite White Moss)
The circle on the right is the recommended car park but as you can see both car parks lead to the trail. The reason I recommend the White Moss car Park is because of the swim spot nearby! It's fab for those who like to paddle board and there was a food van last time I visited. It is also better for families as you won't need to cross the main road. Being closer to Rydal Hall means if you are planning on heading up to Buckstones Jump, it won't be such a long return to your car.

The circle on the left is around where the toilets are, remember to stop off before heading on your hike!

Follow the trail highlighted by the red line! It's really simple from here, but there is a few split off's where you can take different routes around or over it. This is the path I took to see amazing views, the caves, take a dip in Rydal water and head toward buckstones jump before finishing off the route roadside so eventually I had done the whole lake. Here's my Strava route labelled to explain it better:

From the car park head along the main route, you'll see a little creek then cross over a small wooden bridge or the stream (like my doggy dragged me through).
You'll then pass the van (if it's there) & by a popular paddle boarding spot.
Shortly after there is longer bridge, cross that too! & don't forget to enjoy the view :) It's fairly simple from here, you just keep following the trail.
At one point you’ll reach a split, the left gate goes to the lower path. You want to take the right gate and you’ll come across this sign, just keep heading up from there!
When you reach these stones on your left you aren't far at all! The overall journey is short and just extended by enjoying the views.
Now you're at the top, yay! pop into the caves, enjoy making a rock pile and jumping across the stepping stones.
Heading down from here is really simple, turn right out of the cave and keep heading down. On the way look our for the penny stuffed stump!
As you get closer down to the lake there are a few ways to cut down to the pebble beach, I carried on a little while till I reached a gate. Turn left and you can go down an easy path or go over a small fence and carefully straight down to the water's edge.
You can enjoy a lovely swim here, it may be cold at first but lovely once you're used to it. You'll be greeted by some ducks if you're lucky!

Just to the right (when facing the lake) is a gate/stile, head through there and continue on through the trees for some shade, If it is too hot sat by the lake in the previous spot, the woods have plenty of coves and banks to sit by or go for a swim from.
Once you reach this bridge, you can cross over to head onto the road, either you can turn left and walk roadside or slightly to the right and cross the road to begin the journey to buckstones jump. (view my guide on this)

Whichever paths you take, I hope you have a wonderful time! Rydal water, the caves and surrounding spots are just beautiful!
The Lake District: A guide to the Rydal Caves

1 Hotel

Ambleside, United Kingdom • a day ago

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